Either/Or: Mandatory commercials, or pay twice as much for TV?

Most "best ever" Super Bowl ads are just sexy girls, according to dummies who take surveys on best ever Super Bowl ads.

Most “best ever” Super Bowl ads are just sexy girls, according to dummies who take surveys on best ever Super Bowl ads.


The Super Bowl is getting close, which always brings backĀ the weird habit of people who don’t care much about either team saying, “Who cares, I’ll just watch for the commercials,” which doesn’t happen duringĀ any other day of the year.

But on all those other days, people hate ads; meanwhile lower TV viewership is making it harder to sell the ads that pay for the shows. So if both are true, we can’t be far from a breaking point, in terms of actually sustaining television as a business.


How would you rather TV creators and networks get compensated?


Either: New technology makes skipping ads or changing channels impossible, so you have to watch the ads to see the show?


Or: Cable services, Hulu, and anything else you use to watch television cost double or triple what it does now, with no more ads, ever?