is it better to be liked by many, or loved by few?

KISS has an army. do you?

KISS has an army. do you?


From a profile by Chuck Klosterman on his favorite band, KISS:

One thing I’ve learned in my life is that — creatively — it’s better to have one person love you than to have 10 people like you. It’s very easy to like someone’s work, and it doesn’t mean that much; you can like something for a year and just as easily forget it even existed. But people remember the things they love. They psychologically invest in those things, and they use them to define their lives.

Is this true for individuals on a purely social level, or only when it comes to creators and their work?
Would you be happier with fewer “friends”, but more very close ones?
What kind of people, or in which situations, is the opposite actually true?