Ezra Klein + Ta-Nehisi Coates: What Could Be Different in a World Without Police?

Photo from a previous, less harrowing conversation, obviously.

The point of this project has always been to take a look at the news and pop culture of the moment and try to dig a little bit deeper.

To spark conversations about ideas, beyond superficial reactions of: “this movie is good and I like it” or “this article is interesting and I agree with it”, by taking the focus off of opinions and instead asking questions that lead to discussions among friends. Ideally, discussions that reveal something about who we are, and what matters to us. The kind of conversations that maybe even bring us closer to some deeper truths, and to each other.

It seems like that’s the kind of discussion we’re all having right now, about one very big thing: America’s structural racism, and the police violence that’s both a symptom — and a perpetuator — of that racism.

A few quoted lines weren’t enough to convey the point on this one. Please watch/listen.

Beyond acknowledging their validity, I’m no expert on this stuff. I’m still very much in listening and learning mode right now. So in this moment, I wanted to share someone else’s discussion. It’s between two people I admire even though I don’t always agree with them, who’ve both proven to have incredible critical minds, and who I know think deeply about the world’s problems and what we can do to fix them.

On the June 3rd, 2020 episode of the Ezra Klein Show, he and author Ta-Nahisi Coates discussed the role of the police in society, and what some alternatives might look like. The whole conversation was strangely hopeful, and though I wouldn’t normally lift such a large chunk verbatim, this exchange gave me a lot to think about — both on how to understand what’s happening today and how to imagine what the future could look like.

Right now feels like a critical moment to really consider ideas like these, and honestly discuss:

What situations have you seen or been in involving police, and how could they have gone differently with a different kind of help?

Instead of dialing 911 and having armed police respond to every problem in our communities, what might an alternative system look like?

What does the world need more of right now, that we could deploy in a nationwide effort, instead of more police forces?

What would someone have to say for you to punch them?

Simpler question: why is this so clip so satisfying?

It’s been almost a year since this fateful incident. Debates around rallies and racism, the alt-right vs antifa, have swirled for all of 2017.

And I still haven’t decided 100% where I stand on punching Nazis.

I’m anti-violence, generally. I’m anti-Nazi, definitely. I essentially subscribe to the view that intolerance is the only thing we can’t tolerate if we want a chance at evolving as a species of thinkers (as illustrated in this little quotation/comic — original here, translated from Spanish below):

So the role of punching in all of this is certainly worth thinking about.

When is it ok to punch someone other than in self defense?

What would make you personally not just want to — but actually punch someone?