Better apocalypse: AI takeover or climate catastrophe?

army of robots

Terminators? Ha. Any AI worth its microchips knows: they never see the cute ones coming.

As computing power rises exponentially, the singularity approaches. In our lifetimes, it’s very possible an artificial super-intelligence could essentially become a god on earth — our fates bound to the hope that new god we’ve created is a benevolent one.

Meanwhile, due to centuries of man-made destruction to the earth’s climate, temperatures rise and water reserves dwindle, while mass migration and war over resources lay just over the horizon.

Which end-of-the-world scenario would you rather face, AI takeover or climate catastrophe?

Assume you are indeed going to live through it, not die immediately as it kicks off. (Nice try.)

Bonus question: if this toss-up is too easy a choice, which two doomsday scenarios would be harder to choose between?