Hypothetical: How would you use a machine that creates time?

My main concern if I could stop time: can I still stream Netflix?

My main concern if I could stop time: can I still stream Netflix?


When someone says “Time Machine”, everyone thinks of a machine that lets us travel backward and forward through time at will. It’s a mode of transportation in a new dimension.

But what if instead of theoretical time travel, we were talking about theoretical time creation? A machine that makes time, not one that transports you back and forth through it.


How would you want a time creation machine to work?


What would the rules be? Would the world stop while you got to go about your business until you turned it off? Would it merely slow down the whole world so there were more hours in a day?


What would be the most useful or necessary features?


If you were the sole owner of one of these new kinds of time machine, how would you use it?