hypothetical: which superpower would you want if it came with a disability?

Saying, "It's not worth it, I'd rather stay normal," is for cowards.

Saying, “It’s not worth it, I’d rather stay normal,” is for cowards.


After catching X-Men: First Class on cable the other day, I got to thinking about the classic “Which superpower would you want?” question and tried to think of a way to make it more interesting or complicated. Also, I really liked the recent Daredevil series on Netflix.

So: imagine some villainous genius/cosmic accident/industrial disaster gives you a superpower, but also leaves you disabled in some major way, either physical or mental. So for example, you can fly, but you’re schizophrenic. Or you are super-fast, but you only have one arm.

The bizarre wrinkle is, you only have your superpower one day a week. During that day, your disability vanishes. The rest of the week, you have to live with your new problem, and without that new superpower to make up for it.

If it matters, you can choose the day each week to switch to the super-you.


What superpower would you choose, and what disability would you be able to live with in exchange?


What would you do with your superpower, and how would you adjust to your new limits the rest of the week?